Location: Xiaohei > news > ‘Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery’ releases on August 13th for iOS, Android, PC, Switch,

‘Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery’ releases on August 13th for iOS, Android, PC, Switch,

Published:2024-12-03 21:22:30 Author:Xiaohei

Rogueside Games just announced the release date and price point for Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery. Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery is a hidden object game follow-up to Hidden Through Time 2: Myths & Magic ($2.99) due next month for iOS, Android, PS5, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch. This release aims to be a relaxing game without timers, hand-drawn landscapes, a map editor, and more when it arrives, and the map editor will let you share your creations with others. Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery will be priced at $10.99, but I’m not sure if this price point is for all platforms or just PC and console. Watch the Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery release date announcement trailer below:

Pre-orders for Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery are not up yet, but you can currently wishlist it on Steam here. Hidden Through Time on iOS and Android is a paid game with multiple DLC packs of campaigns. Hidden Through Time 2: Myths and Magic is a premium one time purchase game. If you’d like to try them before Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery arrives, you can buy Hidden Through Time here and Hidden Through Time 2: Myths and Magic here on the App Store for iOS. Check out the official Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery here. What do you think of Hidden Through Time 2: Discovery from its newest release date trailer and will you be playing it next month?

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