Uniswap is a decentralized exchange protocol built on Ethereum. To be more precise, it is an automated liquidity protocol. There is no order book or any centralized party required to make trades. Uniswap allows users to trade without intermediaries, with a high degree of decentralization and censorship-resistance
Swap tokens across Ethereum, Base, BNB Chain, Arbitrum, Polygon, Optimism, and other EVM-compatible blockchains
View all of your crypto & NFT assets in one place without switching chains
Safely send and receive crypto tokens with other wallets
Easily create a new Ethereum wallet and claim a username, or import your existing crypto wallet
Use your credit card or bank account to buy crypto, including Ethereum (ETH), Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), and USD Coin (USDC)
Discover top crypto tokens on Uniswap by market cap, price or volume
Monitor token prices & charts with real-time data across Ethereum and other chains
Review token stats, descriptions and warning labels before trading
Receive push notifications for completed transactions, even if made on another app or device
Seamlessly connect to various onchain apps with Uniswap Wallet through WalletConnect
Search & view any wallet, token, or NFT collection on Ethereum
Favorite tokens and crypto wallet addresses for easy access
Track NFT collection floor prices and volume
Curate and showcase your NFTs with Uniswap Wallet’s NFT gallery view
Store your crypto recovery phrase in the iPhone secure enclave so it never leaves your device without permission
Backup your recovery phrase to iCloud in an encrypted file so you can easily, but securely access it
Require Face ID to access your crypto wallet and make transactions
Source code audited by security firm Trail of Bits
1、Buy and sell crypto: Users can easily create a new Ethereum wallet or import their existing wallet and use their credit Card or bank account to buy crypto, including Ethereum (ETH), Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), and USDCoin (USDC).
2、Multi-chain support: The Uniswap Wallet app allows users to view all of their crypto assets without switching across Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, Base, and BNB blockchains.
3、Self-custody crypto wallet: The Uniswap Wallet app is a self-custody crypto wallet that allows users to maintain full control of their crypto assets.
Uniswap is a decentralized swap protocol built on the Ethereum blockchain, known as an automated liquidity protocol with no orderbook or any centralization. Uniswap allows users to transact without intermediaries, with a high decentralized level and censorship resistance. Currently, Uniswap is the most widely used decentralized application (DAPP) globally so far.
Meme Coins is not just a fad in the cryptocurrency market. They represent the unique intersection of Internet culture, financial speculation and community driven participation, providing entertainment and investment opportunities. With the emergence of more innovative projects and the support of technological advancements, Meme Coins is expected to continue attracting global attention and support.
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